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Dan Promotions Mailed to Aikikai October 21st, 2022

Applications mailed to Aikikai Hombu Dojo on October 21st, 2022 for registration of dan rank. Congratulations to all!

1st Dan:

Adam Davidowitz - Midwest Aikido Center

Leon De Vreede - Lunenburg Aikikai

Jonathan Fratello - Center Island Aikido

Laetitia Maachi - Aikido la Forge

Abisay Puentes - Aikido of Central New York

Avi Reitikh - Aikido of Ramapo Valley

Sean Street - Mount Saint Vincent Aikikai

2nd Dan:

Maxim Bushmankin - Boston Aikikai

Benjamin Cote - Portland Aikido

John Freund - Aikido of Charlotte

Rachel Levison - Boston Aikikai

Holly Nesbitt - Boston Aikikai

Kayleigh O'Connor - Boston Aikikai

Alexandre Pain - Monteregie Aikikai

Kyle Park - Mount Saint Vincent Aikikai

William Querry - Portland Aikido

Jason Read - Portland Aikido

Olga Sen - Aikido Schools of New Jersey

Chelsea Trengrove - Boston Aikikai

Jerry Waterman - North Coast Aikikai

Michael Wong - San Francisco Aikikai

3rd Dan:

Jack Bogatko - Aikido Schools of New Jersey

James Gauthier - Portland Aikido

Penelope Hooks - Aikido of Houston

Shella Keiholz - Aikido Center of Atlanta

Brian Weinberg - Aikido Center of Atlanta

Vernon Williams - Lake County Aikikai

4th Dan:

Scott Ackerson - North Coast Aikikai

Adam Roehrig - Kentuckiana Aikikai

Christopher Walla - Houston Aikikai

Rod Yabut - Southland Aikido


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