We are excited to announce the following New Year's promotions for 2024, with an extra special congratulations to Harvey Konigsberg Shihan and Michael Abrams Shihan, for receiving their 8th dan certifications from Doshu at Hombu Dojo.

5th Dan:
Joan Alcantara - Newport Beach Aikikai
Richard Colacino - Aikido of Park Slope
Shai Golan - New York Aikikai
Koei Kuwahara - New England Aikikai
David Law - Woodstock Aikido
John Lepore - Aikido of Chester County
Josemar Dias - Instituto Makaro de Aikido
Shahram Moradi - Fudoshin Aikikai
Linda Robins - New York Aikikai
Gleb Shumyatsky - New York Aikikai
Derrell Thomas - Aikido Schools of New Jersey
6th Dan:
Victor Ancer - Midwest Aikido Center
Anthony Chong - Aikido Aruba
Michael Clair - Fudoshin Aikikai
Richard Colby - Plano Aikido Center
Sean Conley - Martha's Vineyard Aikido Club
Andrew L. Demko - New Castle Aikikai
Patricia Demko - New Castle Aikikai
Brian Dupont - New York Aikikai
Paul Glavine - Aikido Institute of Newfoundland
Philip Halpern - New York Aikikai
Colleen Hogan - East End Aikido NL
Jean Michel Hovan - Granite State Aikido Club
Robert Hyatt - Maru Aikikai South
Cyril Landise - Midwest Aikido Center
Richard Morrison - Center Island Aikido
Eugene O'Connor - Bermuda Aikikai
David Reinfeld - New York Aikikai
David Ross - Aiki Muenster
Giovani Villafane - Chiheisen Dojo
Paulo Ivan Volochyn - Aikikai Shinka Dojo
Mark Voorhees - New York Aikikai
8th Dan:
Michael Abrams - New York Aikikai
Harvey Konigsberg - Woodstock Aikido