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2024 Shihan Appointments

We are excited to announce the following USAF members have received the appointment of Shihan by the Examination Committee for Appointment of Shihan at Aikikai Hombu Dojo. Congratulations to all!

Matthew Bagedonow - MIT Aikido Club

James Baker - Aikido of Norfolk

Knut Bauer - Central Illinois Aikikai

Philip Berrios - Aikido Chiheisen

Bruce Bookman - Tenzan Aikido

Javier Vazquez Bravo - San Juan Aikikai

Christopher Clark - Portland Aikido

Larry Graham - Kansas City Aikido School

James Graves - Southland Aikido

Motier Haskins - Fairfield Iowa Aikikai

Emmanuel Herzog - Florida Aikikai

Damir Jamsek - Austin Aikikai

Rock Lazo - Kenosha Aikikai

Masako Nakatsugawa - Syracuse University Aikido Club

James Soviero - Aikido of Red Bank

Blue Spruell - Peachtree Aikikai Atlanta

Naomi Wentworth - Midwest Aikido Center



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