Test promotions mailed to Aikikai Hombu Dojo on April 4th, 2022 for registration of dan rank. Congratulations to all!
1st dan:
Jonathan Elkins - Sadkane School for Aikido
Archee Hart - Florida Aikikai
John Hughes - Skylands Aikikai
Jason Khurdan - Aikido of Red Bank
Benjamin Lewiston - Prairie Aikikai
Lucile Pic - Monteregie Aikikai
Akaya Numata - Princeton Aikikai
Yulian Pugachevsky - Montreal Aikikai/McGill Aikikai
John Shields - Aikido Center of Atlanta
Warren Uy - Skylands Aikikai
Francois Veillette - Montreal Aikikai/McGill Aikikai
2nd dan:
Barbara Briganti-Forman - Aikido of Red Bank
Joseph Cayea - Aikido of Central New York
Adam Di Angelo - Aikido of Red Bank
Derrick Dottin - Aikido of Park Slope
Nicholas Katzenberger - Aikido of Red Bank
Daniel Kraus - Florida Aikikai
Stan Lumish - Aikido of Red Bank
Robert Madison II - Aikido of Park Slope
Stuart Plymnesser - Aikido of Central New York
Andrew Reinhart - Heaven and Earth Aikido
Ryan Stephens - Aikido of Ramapo Valley
Yvonne Vardi - Aikido of Ramapo Valley
3rd dan:
Tony Breda - Heaven and Earth Aikido
Gerry Breen - Aikido of Park Slope
Luc Carey - Montreal Aikikai/McGill Aikido
David Hernandez - Aikido of Nassau County
Joseph Kalish - Aikido of Park Slope
Michael Klinger - New England Aikikai
Catherine Lefebvre - Boston Aikikai
Keith Miller - Aikido of Park Slope
Robert Sinka - Aikido of Ramapo Valley
4th dan:
Jeremy Akel - Aikido Center of Jacksonville
Mario Latendresse - Montreal Aikikai/McGill Aikido
Howard Scott - Montreal Aikikai/McGill Aikido
James Wendt - Lewiston Aikido/Willow