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Say hello to Damon Apodaca

Chief Instructor, Santa Fe Budokan

7th dan, Shihan

190 A  Nine Mile Road

Santa Fe, NM 87508

Some interesting facts about Damon:​​

  • Damon began aikido in 1974 in Santa Fe under  Masahilo Nakazono Sensei

  • Damon was introduced to aikido  by a close friend

  • Damon has been teaching and running a dojo for 34 years, currently in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and previously in Newport, Rhode Island, and Worcester, Mass. He has owned the dojos in both Santa Fe and Newport.

Tell us something about yourself/profession/background:

Teaching Aikido professionally has been the main focus of my life. I spent many years with various Japanese Shihan including M. Nakazono (8 years), T.K. Chiba (6 years), M. Saito (trained in Japan), F. Toyoda (11 years in his organization), and Y. Yamada Shihan from 1998 up until his passing in 2023. Additionally, I am a Navy Veteran, have been a Volunteer Firefighter, a licensed Plumber, and a Commercial Real Estate Broker. I am semi- retired from Aikido now, but maintain a private dojo. All sincere practitioners from all styles are welcome to visit!

What do you consider some of your greatest achievements as dojo cho?

I consider my perseverance in teaching the art in a traditional manner,  and owning and running a successful dojo for over 30 years, to be highlights of my aikido achievements.

What have been some of your biggest challenges as dojo cho?

Finances, personal health and fitness, adherence to schedules that would not allow a lot time with my family, children and wife, have all be challenges in running a dojo. I am now dealing with old injuries that limit the amount of time I actually spend on the mat. Covid was also a big challenge, but because I own my dojo and did not have to rely on student tuitions, we survived and continue to continue be able to offer classes.


Are you working on any aikido-related projects?

We have an annual friendship seminar to which I invite other local dojos to attend.

What works best for you to attract new students?

Word of mouth. People who train here are not “shopping” for a dojo or a teacher, they just want to train, and word gets out.


A Bit About Santa Fe Budokan

How many days per week does Santa Fe Budokan have classes?

How many classes are available per week?

Do you have a children's program? If so, what are the ages and what else would you like to share?

Do you have specialized classes, such as no falling classes, Veteran's classes etc?

What is unique to your dojo space?

Is there any other information about the dojo you would like to share?

Santa Fe Budokan has classes 3 days per week

There are 5 classes available per week

Not currently, though I ran children's classes for 9 years at my dojo in Newport, RI.

I teach Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu Iaido, and Zazen, as well as Aiki-ken and jo. The weapons classes are a mix of both Iwama style and Chiba Sensei’s weaapons.

Santa Fe Budokan is a country dojo and is not considered “main stream”. It is, however, peaceful, beautiful, and the people who train here make time to do so. I share it as a healing space with my wife, Dr. Jody Erickson, also a student of Nakazono Sensei’s, but a student of Oriental Medicine, and Kototama Acupuncture. I also have a Taiko group that trains here a few days a week.

I would like very much to expand my schedule, but I am the only person able to teach regularly so that makes it difficult for me to add more classes.

Date posted: August 2024

Contact: Laura Pavlick

Director of Operations



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