The purpose of the USAF Summer Camp Scholarship Fund is to provide assistance to USAF members who may be financially restricted in their ability to attend camp. Regardless of rank, all USAF members (other than previous scholarship winners) who are current with their annual dues and have financial need, are eligible to submit this application.
5 scholarships for Full Camp/Aikido Only (4 full days of Aikido (Mon. thru Thurs. plus Fri. morning) are available this year.
Scholarship recipients are responsible for paying their travel, food and hotel expenses. The deadline for application submissions is MAY 15, 2023. Scholarship recipients will be notified by MAY 20TH, 2023.
For more information about camp and USAF discounted hotel rates go to www.usafsummercamp.com.
Please email your completed application to Laura Pavlick @ laura@usaikifed.com.
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Scholarships are intended for those who have financial need. Previous winners should not apply. Scholarship applicants must have paid 2023 USAF dues. In addition, applicant’s dojo and instructor must have paid 2023 USAF dues. Instructors need to complete the section “For Applicant’s Instructor” below.
Name: ____________________________________________________________ Rank: _________ Age: ______
Address: ____________________________________________ City: _____________________________________
State/Zip: ____________________________________________ Country: _______________________________
Phone: ________________________ E-mail address: _________________________________________________
Dojo: ________________________________________________________________________________________
Applicant’s Signature__________________________________________________________________________
For Applicant’s Instructor: Please explain why you support your student for this scholarship:
I, _____________________________, have reviewed this application and confirm that all required USAF fees have been paid.
Instructor’s Signature___________________________________________________________